Student Objective: Identify the major eras in US history from 1877 to the present and describe their defining characteristics; analyze economic issues such as industrialization . . . and the pros and cons of big business
1. Answer this Quick Question:
survey solutions
2. Yesterday we took notes over the pros and cons of big business and we discussed the business methods of John D. Rockefeller. Watch the following video and pay attention to the strategies that he used to gain a monopoly in the oil industry. Use your headphones!!!3. Now open all of the documents listed below and place each of them in your Industrialization folder in Google Docs.
- Scanned handout: Innovations and Industry Cards
- Graphing Industrial Growth 1
- Graphing Industrial Growth 2
- Graphing Industrial Growth (Directions handout)
3. Use the Directions handout (above) to complete the 4 graphs that deal with industrial growth in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Let me know if you need help using the line tool in Google Draw. Submit your graphs here when you are finished.
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