Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, December 7: US Becomes A World Power

Student Objective: Explain why significant events, policies and individuals such as  . . . US Expansionism, Henry Cabot Lodge, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt and missionaries moved the US into the position of a world power.

1. If you haven't finished your map you need to start class by completing it.  Submit it here when you are finished.

2. Now upload your map to your student portfolio

  • In your US History Page: Insert + Drawing (then select the map)
  • Title for this upload: December 7, 2012: Google Draw, "Early US Territorial Acquisitions"
***7th Period: If you haven't submitted the questions from the "America Becomes A World Power" reading selection it has been entered into the grade book as a zero.  Make sure you submit this today by the end of your period if you want a grade for it!

3. Begin the SAS Curriculum Pathways lesson #1263, "America: World Power" to learn about the steps taken by the US to become considered a world power.

  • Your username is "student"; there is no password required
  • Type "1263" in the QL Box to access the lesson.
  • Open this document to answer the questions that go along with the lesson.
  • Click here to access the site.

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