Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 5: Early US Expansionism

Student Objective: Explain why significant events, policies, and individuals such as . . . U.S. expansionism . . .moved the Unites States into the position of a world power; identify the major characteristics that define an historical era.

1. Complete Ch. 19 Vocabulary if you haven't already done so.  Submit it here when you are finished.  It is due at the end of your class period today (December 5).

2. When you finish Ch. 19 Vocabulary I want you to read "The United States Becomes A World Power".  This is an overview of the reasons behind the United States' decision to become imperialistic.  As you read, answer these questions.

3. If time permits, we are going to begin this unit (US Imperialism) by looking at some of the early US land acquisitions.  Open this map, "Early US Territorial Expansion", make a copy of it, and place it in your Imperialism Unit folder.  Follow the directions on the map to complete it.  If you need a tutorial on how to use Google Draw tools to complete a map go to my "Tech. Tutorials" page at the top of my blog.

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