Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday, August 29:

Objective: Create accounts for the educational sites we will most often use; create student portfolios using Google Sites.

Announcement: Just to clarify . . . It looks like most students are going to purchase their own mouse for our class due to the fact that other teachers are requiring a mouse for their class, as well.  If you are still more interested in a "class set" I will collect money through this Friday and then purchase as many mice as I can with the amount of money I collect.


1. Follow the steps below to change your google account password if you still have "hello2012" or "student2012" as your password.

  • Click on the wrench, scroll down and click on "settings"
  • Near the top of the page click on "Google dashboard" 
  • If it asks you to sign in again, then do that
  • Near the top of the page on the right side click on "change password"
  • follow the steps to change your password
2. Go to Google Docs and open your "Username and Passwords" document that we created yesterday.  Add your new Google login information to this document.

2. Next, click on the links below and create accounts for each of the sites.  If you happen to already have an account for any of  the sites listed then you don't have to create another one!  Just add your account information to your document.  *** It will be beneficial  to try to use the same password as much as possible (less likely to forget it).  Go ahead and bookmark each of these sites, too!

3. Now you will submit your account information to me by clicking on each of the links below.
4. Once you finish with all the above tasks close your chrome book halfway.  We will be setting up our student portfolios together as a class.

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